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Six Things Authors Can Do To Get Your Book Move Visible

Updated: Jul 20, 2024

You have written the book and finally launched it. It’s loaded on Amazon and you have exhausted your own marketing network and harassed your friends to buy it. Now what? Here is a a list of sites that will help you promote your book and get it out there. 

Here is a list of things you can do to promote it. 

1. Get a print code 

Print codes are ebook and audiobook download codes that you can share with readers at in-person events. Generate a batch of 100 unique codes and print them on bookmarks, postcards, flyers… any promotional material, really!

Each code is good for one download and once it is redeemed, it can’t be used again. Book files are watermarked with the reader’s personal information and readers are invited to join your mailing list when they redeem their book code.

2. Make sure you make an Amazon Author Profile and claim your books

3. Make sure you make a Goodreads Author Profile and claim your books

4. Add book and author profile to LibraryThing at

You can claim your author profile there by clicking where it says - Is this you - claim your author profile on the top right hand column.

5. Ask BookBub to add your book to their site. You can ahead and start the process of claiming your author profile there as well. Sign up first at as a reader and submit your profile and author photo. Then go to sign up in the partner dashboard. It does take a little time to get full approval so try to start soon. BookBub is a great way to gain followers and build an author brand.

6. Also add your book to the following sites:

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