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Key things authors can do to get a book promoted


Updated: Nov 28, 2023

So you have got a book out there into the world. Massive congratulations. But getting a book published is one step, getting it to readers and getting reviews is another step and project all together. We have put together a long list of places you can list your book and submit it for reviews. It covers free and paid reviews. This is a huge step in getting some eyeballs, and hopefully sales, on your words. Here is a huge list of things you can do, and take your time and work through them. Selling a book is a business, and you are the sales team.

Let's get this straight.. you have made an Amazon Author Profile and a Goodreads Author Profile and claimed your books and linked that all. Of course you have done this, right? Right? A lot of this list below I gathered from a book marketing expert Amanda on You can reach her here or go onto and search for @akerr8787 1. Add book and author profile to LibraryThing at You can claim your author profile there by clicking where it says - Is this you - claim your author profile on the top right hand column. 2. Generate some print codes Print codes are ebook and audiobook download codes that you can share with readers at in-person events. Generate a batch of 100 unique codes and print them on bookmarks, postcards, flyers… any promotional material. Each code is good for one download and once it is redeemed, it can’t be used again. Book files are watermarked with the reader’s personal information and readers are invited to join your mailing list when they redeem their book code. 3. Ask BookBub to add your book to their site. You can ahead and start the process of claiming your author profile there as well. Sign up first at as a reader and submit your profile and author photo. Then go to and sign up in the partner dashboard. It does take a little time to get full approval so try to start soon. BookBub is a great way to gain followers and build an author brand. Also add your book to the following sites: GET REVIEWS There are a few sites where you can submit the book to for a possible free review. You can submit it They offer paid reviews (we can't endorse them and have mixed reviews here) Under Authors on the menu bar - choose Get a Free Review of your book I would select the free option. They will email you go to try to get you to upgrade, but you can just unsubscribe from their emails. They don't guarantee a review, but BookLife is a great place to be because you can create an author profile and link your website and social media which helps with SEO purposes. There are a few sites where you can submit the book to for a possible free review. (from Publishers Weekly) is another site that you can submit your book for free. They will email you go to try to get you to upgrade (but you can always unsubscribe from any emails). Register and complete your author profile. Then add project (your book) , then you will be able to submit BookLife also offers free opportunities for promotion on their site and in publishers weekly. BookLife's Indie Spotlight A Free Way to Get Attention for Your Book BookLife's First Lines - see this link for examples - The City Book Review (which consists of the San Francisco, Manhattan, Seattle and Portland Book Review, also offer free submissions for a possible review. They do offer paid reviews, but they are quite expensive. If they do choose your book for the free review, they have a great audience that they share their reviews with. Check them out at The Independent Book Review has a good free option. Midwest Book Review - (They require two print copies for the free review) AUTHOR PROFILES There are a lot of sites where you can create a profile. Many of them offer free author profiles and book listings This also helps with Brand Building, SEO and exposure. Be sure to use the same author bio and photo on all of the site and include your web address and social links when you can. Story Origin App - FREE to Join Find reviewers for your ebooks or audiobooks Build your mailing list and attract subscribers Increase your sales, KU page reads, and author rank Sign up Once you sign up on the next page under UPGRADE NOW - choose continue with Basic Plan for the free plan Click again Continue with basic plan for the free plan. You can then start adding books, profile etc. My Book Cave - FREE to Join 343,880 email subscribers & social media followers Things you can do: Create an author profile Add your books Gain Newsletter Subscribers Promote your book Sign up at How to sign up - Hover over Authors in top right side Click on Create an Account Confirm email Create Author Profile Hoover over Account in top right side click on My profiles Add your author name click on the pencil symbol to edit the profile. - Add photo, bio - under contacts add any social links or website address Save draft First add a book - Click on My Books - then click on submitting them here Choose an ebook that is available for sale Enter book's title and author name Then you will follow instructions to add book. Once that is done you can add more books or go back to your profile - claim the book and then publish profile. Crave Books - FREE to join Become a CraveBooks Partner Increase your exposure and sales! Reach over 300,000 readers across 50 different channels using daily deals, social media, PPC campaigns, giveaways and more. Click on I'm an author Referred by friend or colleague choose yes or no answer a few more questions, create account All Author - FREE to join - can list up to 4 books free Create your author profile and start your book promotion with All Author They offer scheduled book tweets and more. As long as you only put 4 books or less on your bookshelf, it's FREE.

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