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New Mommy Myths

##Only the first six weeks are tough:

Motherhood is rougher than a cowboy’s hand but it can be as fun. Having kids is hard going. You just get better at handling it.

##Instinct will get you through:

Not a chance. Sure you have an innate knowledge that you shouldn’t offer it a sip of your G’nT, or swing it around your head, but the rest does not come all that naturally. This is one time you are going to have to start reading the ‘how to’ books you thought were for dummies.

##All women want to stay at home and look after baby:

Some people really do think this. Being a full time mom has got to be the toughest job on the block. You will never work as hard as this. Going back to work is like taking a holiday compared to seven days a week of smiling and cooing.

## A good mother always puts her baby first: Only for the first few months. Then you realise that your relationship comes first and you come somewhere too.

## Having a baby will bring your relationship closer:

Life will quickly prove you wrong. In fact children are guaranteed to put your marriage under serious strain. What with fatigue, stress, low libido and resentment you are never going to have to work harder on your relationship than when you have kids.

##I can do it differently:

Well please do try, but sooner or later you will drop the desire to breastfeed until they are four, give them a daily massage with virgin sesame oil and stimulate their brains into being the next Mark Shuttleworth. Then it’s toast and jam like the rest of the mothers you thought were lazy slackers.

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